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Josie Harrison



"Centred on the idea of ‘human experience’, I have developed my use of artistic skills to demonstrate how digital and installation art can portray a universal understanding of human emotions and state of mind. I have always had a fascination with the ideas behind aspects of consciousness and everything that lies between, I experiment with elements such as water and its distortionary qualities to portray the complexity of the human mind. Drawing inspiration from anonymous written submissions from the public, I have used their accounts of personal memories to fuel and inform my practice as well as to find links with my own personal experience, creating work which is unique yet unifying at the same time. Whilst originally beginning with still imagery my recent work has begun to incorporate aspects of film and sound to create an ‘immersive’ and sometimes challenging experience for the viewer; transporting them into an alternative world which seeks to evoke emotion and nostalgia through an individual multi-sensory encounter."

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