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Molly Vaughan-Wallis



"While studying Fine Art at university, I have constantly changed my mind about what I’m doing; something which probably frustrates the tutors. However, finally in my final year I have come across something which I simply cannot get enough of; nature. I have had an attachment to the outdoors since I was a child, something which has strongly come across in my art work throughout college and university. Over the past year, I have become engrossed with structures and patterns in nature, the geometrical elements and the organic. I am currently looking into Bio-art and experimenting with the process of growth and time, the main focus being on hand growing sheets of bacterial cellulose and discovering the shapes, patterns and structures it can produce. I love the sense of risk it brings, having to leave it to develop itself with the potential of going completely pear-shaped.

I am moving away from the sculptural side of the work and focusing more on the process which goes into its creation. Although it should still be an interesting object, it is to be simple, delicate and not taken away from its organic state." 

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